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Oshifima is a Namibian stiff porridge, which is a staple food of the northern part of the country and is especially popular in the Oshiwambo culture.
The name of this dish is actually a word for porridge in Oshiwambo, the most commonly spoken language in Namibia, with about 49% of households using it.

Oshifima is made from mahangu flour, maize meal or a mixture of both, and water. Mahangu or pearl millet flour is a grain that was domesticated in West Africa some 3,500 years ago. Due to its short growing season, high productivity and tolerance to dry, high-temperature conditions pearl millet is grown and eaten in very different parts of the world – Europe, Asia and Africa. Before rice became the most important grain in Asia, pearl millet was a staple food.

Oshifima is a wholesome, filling dish, which many Namibians eat every day, sometimes more than once a day. It is usually served with a variety of stews or sauces. Namibians usually eat it with their hands – with their right hand they form a ball from porridge and dip it in a stew or a sauce, or they hollow out the center in a ball of porridge, then place the main course inside of it.
This is an easy-to-make, gluten-free and vegan dish that will fill you up, but, in our opinion, one has to get used to the consistency and taste of this dish.


// easy peasy // €€

Preparation: 5 min // Cooking: 15 min // Total: 20 min


 120 g mahangu (pearl millet) flour

 60 g fine maize meal (cornmeal)

  200 ml cold water

  800 ml boiling water

  salt to taste

  1. In a large pot add fine maize meal and water. Mix well.
  2. Slowly add boiling water, while stirring constantly to avoid lumps. 
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat to medium and cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. 
  4. Slowly add mahangu flour with one hand while stirring with the other hand. Stir very fast and powerfully, until you have a smooth consistency.
  5. Reduce the heat to low and let cook for about 1 to 2 minutes. Stir the porridge once more and flip it onto the plate.
  6. Serve with a stew or a sauce of your choice. 
  7. Ila tu ka lyeni!


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